mc.tapout~ tempo sync delay times?

Hella3lla's icon

Hi everyone,
I'm attempting to make a patch that recreates the functionality of intellijel rainmaker module since I cannot afford one lol.

The delay section for the module has: multi-tap delay, feedback, feedback tone control and individual control of volume, pitch & pan per tap. I think so far I've been successful in recreating this delay section. However I'm struggling to implement a synced delay time with mc.

I know you can do it for a single delay, but I wanna figure out how to calculate tempo synced delay times for each "tap" in mc.tapout~

does anyone have any insight on how to do this?

Here's the patch in it's current state:

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Source Audio's icon

how do you make it work using commas in here ?

setting delay times per channel is described in help file.

here are your init values, you can calculate

16 factors and delay time on the fly,

in simplest form unpack 16 floats to mc.tapout~ delay time inlets

is there any benefit of using signals instead ?

Hella3lla's icon

Thank you! Woah can't believe I forgot to look at the help file!

Yea, I figured the simplest way to do that was to unpack individual floats, but the way you describe here for calculating on the fly will probably work just fine. Thank you

In terms of benefit... using signals is generally faster than using messages/floats, since max's control rate is 1000 times per second, while signals use the sampling rate (i.e: 44100 samp/sec or higher)

About the commas in tapout~, you can set various delay times on the regular, non-mc. object using commas, so I figured it'd be the same here as well.

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in pre 8.6 max commas break tapout

I asked about signal control in case it sounds better to smooth out fast delay changes

and maybe slide to make glides, like tape delays used to sound like ....