Ms Pinky / Digital Vinyl Systems in Max (2016)?
So I've been getting into turntables lately, and I want to integrate turntable-based control of existing (and new patches). I remembered seeing Ms Pinky years ago and finding it interesting, and it looks like the site is still up (including the store), but given how old everything is over there (the forum specifically) I decided to send them a message (and make a forum post) and have gotten no response. It looks like the externals are 64bit as of a few years ago, so there's some activity at least.
Ms Pinky would be idea as it's integrated into Max, but if it's now abandonware, that's not really an option.
(that being said, there is this document on their page which explains the DVS tech, so with some records I could try to home-brew a solution in terms of tracking, though the scratching side would be another issue altogether)
But aside from Ms Pinky, has anyone integrated another DVS system (Serato?) into a Max workflow? I'm not really interested in using the Serato software at all, as I'd like to make my own patches, and sending MIDI back and forth also isn't an attractive solution given the steppy resolution.
I know the Ms Pinky (Torq) approach to timecode is different (based on the document linked above), and know nothing about the Serato/Traktor approaches, but is there a difference in latency/resolution/etc... between the systems?
Aside from reading/parsing the timecode control data, there is the issue of emulating a scratching sound too...
Ms Pinky still works as expected FWIW.
i've been DJing with it for about 10 years now.
That's good to hear.
I wouldn't suppose if you know if the records and everything are still available? I'm hesitant to just order something with no communication/response and stuff, especially given how expensive shipping is (to the UK).
Hi, there, Rodrigo. I'm kind of in the same spot, myself. Ideally, I'd like to find a Max8-compatible object that reports position speed and direction. Maybe I'm slow, but I don't quite understand how to install externals in this "package" Max-era. Is there still a Ms Pinky option or did you have to roll your own to get your project happening?
Actually, scratch that. (<-!) Ideally, I'm looking for something that works with Serato vinyl... I suppose I'm tempted to try to patch something together that can analyze the raw serato vinyl. (i guess i'm also tempted not to...)
any tips?
As far as I know Ms Pinky is still a good option. However I have not used this system for a long time. But I had a great time then...
A few years later now, but I'm thinking about this again.
I have a couple Pinky records a friend gave me sitting around, but don't have the software. So I'm considering buying it now, but given the last update was 2015 and we're on the edge of moving into a new era on Macs, I'm wondering if there are any alternatives using other DVS systems in Max.
Looking at the tech breakdown from my first post, it doesn't look too difficult to 'roll your own' version of parsing that (though I imagine there are many optimizations to be had in the custom external), but even going that route leads me to worry about record availability in the long run.
Which then leads me to think about more modern solutions like an SC1000. I've seen on Instagram some use of one as what appears to be a MIDI controller, so that could be quite interesting. Not exactly the same as the "platter" on an SC1000 is stationary unless you move it etc... But it would bypass a lot of the "problems" here.
As a bit of a response to myself, for future me to find again, and/or others on the forum.
So I've made some experiments using 3d printing and a monome arc to kind of emulate an SC1000 or portablism interface:

Some more pics and stuff on a thread on the lines forum but all of that is to say that a semi DIY hardware solution could be interesting.
Found this thread on google
how’ d you go with your home made solution?
Still working on it... At the moment my arc is back with monome for a repair so I haven't actively worked on this for a bit.
I am talking to a friend about pulling some of the playback/interpolation bits out of xwax and seeing if I can homebrew something with that.
The Volker externals also work well. I did have a bad crash/bug with one, but he fixed it really quickly!
A bit old thread but I’ve been experimenting with Android and IOS devices over traditional turntables. By sending the compass data to get its rotational position or by sending the Z gyro to get the rotation speed I can do all kind of things with HIGH precision values in real time. You can use ZIG SIM (android) or ZIG SIM PRO (IOS) to send all those values over OSC. To get consistent and fast results it’s better to use the phone or mobile device as a hot spot and connect the receivers to that wifi network … Or use a dedicated wifi router …
I am so interested in doing this myself, Hope to get some answer sometime.... I want to know how it is going and maybe get info on how to do it.
I also found this thread via google. I'm looking down the rabbit hole of sc1000 custom pcb digital scratch instrument and ms pinky vst/maxforlive device that apparently doesn't exist anymore.
I thought I would add the to conversation.
I'm interested in this stuff because I've been working on my own scratch maxforlive device. Although I'm not amazing at maxforlive, I'm getting kinda close to the functionality I'm after. I'd love to see the ms pinky maxforlive device to just figure out how they handled playback mostly but I can't find it anywhere. I didn't download the device from somewhere but it's missing a bunch of elements.
But to follow on from this, I dream about some kind of motorized spinning platter which outputs midi information, rather than a control tone or audio. Ideally it wouldn't be super tiny like the SC1000 from Rasteri. The platter would be 7-10inch. Wireless faders that output midi already exist (Mixfader by MWM).
I would then mount this imaginary platter and Mixfader together, add guitar strap mounts and a wireless midi transmitter (or perhaps the platter is bluetooth) and then walk around on stage and down in the crowd scratching wirelessly via midi messages sent to Ableton.
How fucking cool would that be?
as first, ms.pinky stuff was not free software, one had to buy it.
then, there are numerous tutorials about measuring rotation,
run stepper motors, and send wireless data , being midi, UDP ...
using arduino.
it is only a matter of getting enough interest and courage to go after it.
you might start without motor, just turn a plate and measure speed
and direction, send it wia OSC udp.
ESP32 board, 1 magnet, old CD or DVD player, or laptop hard disc,
or ventilator which allready have rotating hardware, even motors ....
and AS5600 encoder is all one needs.
well ... a chargeabe battery, mechanics etc, but it is fun.
Playback I've found to be kind of tricky. I have something that sounds moderately ok but it's quite tricky to get something that gives smooth playback/interpolation from a buffer while still allowing you "direct" control like you would with scratching. Too much smoothing and the scratching sounds/feels terrible, too little smoothing and the playback sounds all jittery from the interval/polling of your control (MIDI/OSC) source.
For the motor, I've been eyeballing stuff like this:
Last I checked the motors in use were hard to get, and even then exhibit a bit of "cogging" so it's not completely smooth when being used as an encoder.
Loads of the DJ companies make motorized platters that also act as encoders but I imagine the motors in those are expensive and gigantic, so not really suitable for a compact controller, especially wireless like in your case.
Did anybody ever successfully setup a vinyl scratching setup with Volkers externals? Would still be very much interested.