[SOLVED] My max project does not open

Manuel Lopes's icon

Manuel Lopes

7月 26 2024 | 2:04 午後

I was making a project which contained the RNBO library and I instaled a 32 bit plugin to use in ableton (not related to the max project) when I opened max again my project stopped working.

I went to the forums (https://cycling74.com/forums/max-won%27t-launch!#reply-607dfc11cec4886416d0faae) and saw that deleting the this folder (Users>your user name>AppData>Roaming>Cycling 74) would help with a myriad of issues so I did it but it did not work.

I also deleted the 32 bit plugin from my plugin folder since I saw it in a forum (https://cycling74.com/forums/max-won%27t-launch!#reply-607dfc11cec4886416d0faae) the max project still crashes.

I have the data backed up on a github repository but I don't know if max can use it to bring a whole project.

Hope someone can help

Thanks in advance

Manuel Lopes's icon

Manuel Lopes

7月 26 2024 | 2:37 午後

Also tried reinstalling max, still have the problem

Manuel Lopes's icon

Manuel Lopes

7月 26 2024 | 3:06 午後

Also tried it on another computer and the problem persists. I'm guessing it is to do with the project itself

Jan M's icon

Jan M

7月 27 2024 | 12:52 午後

What do you mean with your project doesn’t open? Does Max hang, crash…. ?

Did you try to open patches directly, not via the project?

Manuel Lopes's icon

Manuel Lopes

7月 29 2024 | 3:40 午後

I opened the project, the project window did not show anything and 30 seconds to a minute after it kept closing max. I then update RNBO and it is now working, I was skeptik to do it since it meant I had to update the raspberry PI imager but it worked so I updated both.

It is now working fully with no problems.

Thank you for the reply regardless.