My version of "makenote", your opinion appreciated.

Yves Laporte's icon

Yves Laporte

9月 01 2024 | 3:40 午後

I work a lot on Max for MIDI composition it is very inspiring when a simple program gives me expressive music. I searched a bit to get an object like "makenote" to play instruments like strings or organ. When many notes are turned on (velocity higher than 0), instead of choosing the duration at the time the notes are played, I needed be able to turn them off at a certain cue or a deliberate event. Here I focus on the polyphonic way to turn on notes. I solved the monophonic version of my program easily long ago. My patch is presented with a small composition to illustrate my point of view. My question is, did I solve an already solved problem?

If you have suggestions, I may use it for more intuitive composition tools. (This is the first submission of a patch I do on a forum, hope it works on some other computer)

Max Patch

TFL's icon


9月 01 2024 | 3:59 午後

Have you looked into [poly~] and [poly]? Depending on what you want to achieve and the way you want to make it work, you could work with either, or both of these objects in tandem. It's a bit tricky to understand and work with voice allocation at the beginning, but it ends up being a very powerful tool.

Instead of using [makenote], you could just trigger new notes using the note number and its velocity, and then send the note off message (<note_number> 0) whenever you want using your cue or events. Maybe [poly] is the easiest to work with and the most straightforward to understand in terms of voice allocation, but you will need poly~ if you want an actual polyphonic synth (and avoid having to duplicate each voice manually).

Yves Laporte's icon

Yves Laporte

9月 07 2024 | 3:23 午後

Thank you, precisely in the way of my research. It is great that poly.maxhelp offers "see also" options with [makenote] but [makenote] could have done the same with poly.

So, [poly] from now an important part of my compostions solutions. I invite you to look at a first test I did with this object. I could also mention that a very important thing to keep in mind in algorithmic composition, is to always get to the most basic part of the idea.

This patch uses a polyphony limiting to 5 notes and it can be turned off with spacebar.

Max Patch