Need help sending SYSex messages, PLEASE!

tomred's icon

Hello everybody.

I'm quite new to Max so don't fully understand it, but decided not to let that stop me.
I've been designing a GUI to control my MicroKORG XL through Ableton and I'm quite near to completion but can't work out how to send SYSeX messages. If someone could help me, it would be much appreciated.

1) What I'm trying to do is send a system exclusive message that changes the midi channel for timbre 2.
2) Using midi-ox, I found that the sysex message to send is F0 42 31 7E 41 00 00 1A 00 02 00 F7.
3) I then used a program called Bome's SendSX (available for free download and very easy to use) to confirm that sending the above sysex message does indeed change the midi channel for timbre 2 to the desired midi channel 3.

I just can not work out how to get M4L to send out the same sysex message.
Here's what I've done so far.

1) I converted the hex numbers to decimal: 240 66 49 126 65 00 00 26 00 02 00 247. Because this is what I've seen done on other examples.
2) I then created a bang button which links to an sxformat object containing the decimal numbers above which then connects to a midiout object.


However, this does not appear to work and I can not explain why.
I'd appreciate any help or advice. Thank you!

DRKOSS's icon

You don't need the [sxformat] object.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

this should work:

tomred's icon

Thanks. Can you tell me what I do with that? I have absolutely no idea?

I'm using max4live 5 and Ableton Live 8.

I've been looking up more info and apparently Ableton won't send Sysex messages.
I saw a workaround using java, but can't find the post again (I've done A LOT of looking). This picture was in it

Anyway, I couldn't get that workaround to work unfortunately.

Thanks for the reply!

tomred's icon

Sorry! just saw the instructions of what to do :D


tomred's icon

Just tried it.
Doesn't work unfortunately.

Bizarre that Ableton should stop sysex messages.

DRKOSS's icon

ah - missed that you are using in M4L.

you need to use these objects to achieve that:

tomred's icon

I'm also using a PC! :(

DRKOSS's icon

well... in that case, try sending the message to a standalone patch of max and then output it from there.

tomred's icon

I'll see if I can get one up and running.

tomred's icon


In case anyone else has this problem, this life saver going by the handle of Stray (Thank you very much if you're reading this!) came up with a solution for this.

midinerd's icon

Hey there - considering what I'm responding to was within the last few weeks - can you verify that download link you provided?

I'm interested in sending sysex things to the machinedrum and had to scour for its documentation: machinedrum (See Separate Documentatino) is what people are likely searching for: can be found attached here:
