No signal when I bypass my modulation signal

Joe Donaghey's icon

In this patch i have 2 oscillator - one to modulate the other - but when I click "off" to turn the modulation off (it send a signal to a gate to close the output and the flow of my 2nd oscillator) i can no longer hear my original oscillator even though that signal flow should still be open.

If i remove the patch cables to my cycle/saw/rect/tri objects coming from the 2nd oscillator and only leave the patch cables from the first oscillator then i have no problem.

So, my issue must be stemming from my gate that turns modulation on and off. But why?

I hope this makes sense

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Source Audio's icon

gate~ outputs signal 0. when turned off.

instead of using gate~ you should

use switch~ that passes sig~ 1 in order to

let the other oscilator run unchanged.

Roman Thilenius's icon

or use + instead of * ? :)

Source Audio's icon

+~ will give totally different output then *~