Panning Bleed and Selector

Jessica Sligter's icon

Jessica Sligter

2月 05 2021 | 2:56 午後

Hi everyone,
I'm a beginner at Max/MSP. I combined (I think it was) B.K. Shepard's panning patch from some forum post(see attachement), with a slider and a wet/dry dial with these mixing patches I found somewhere else (don't remember the source). I wondered if anyone could give me feedback about the following:

1) Why is the signal bleeding between left and right when the panning W/D is on 100% Wet? (when checking the outputs from the pan2 object, the left and right output appear to be properly connected to the left and right on the slider)

2) I'd like to add a selector patch to be able to switch between the different waveshapes, but after lots of searching I just can't get a selector patch to work yet (see attached file on the right). What am I doing wrong?

I'd be thankful for any tips!

21.02.05 Panning Patch .maxpat
Max Patch

Joan Cot Ros's icon

Joan Cot Ros

2月 05 2021 | 3:31 午後


You are mixing both signals in the same output. That was the issue you were talking about I think.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Hope this helps,


Jessica Sligter's icon

Jessica Sligter

2月 05 2021 | 3:48 午後

Thanks Joan! That makes sense ;-)
Does anyone have a lead for me regarding the selector drop down menu situation?