play~ vs groove~ feature confusion
Hi everyone,
the play~ object allows you to send two simple integers as start and end points, so message [start 100 800] will play a buffer from 100ms in until 800ms then stop, and message [start 800 100] will play the same segment backwards.
Hopefully I'm about to be corrected about this, but I can't see how to do this using groove~ instead. It only seems to respect the start and end points you give it if you enable looping, which I don't want to do. I just want one-shot triggers of sample segments, specified by start and end points.
What am I missing? Or if groove can't do this, then why not... there's normally a good reason?
Possibly the problem here is simply that I default to using groove~ to manipulate buffer playback when I ought to default to play~... I'm no longer entirely sure what groove~'s specialism is... :/
With groove you can change the speed of the playback.
To play backwards you should put a sig~ -1 to the left inlet of the groove~
(Negative signal numbers are backwards playback)
With setloop you can define the start and end point of the buffer.
Or the middle inlet is the startpoint the right inlet the end point. (I think that's what you need)
To restart the playback you send a integer with the start position to the left inlet
I hope this help you.