Possible bug with jit.cellblock - secondary jit.cellblock not syncing when hidden
I'm experiencing an apparent bug with jit.cellblock. Please see attached code.
I'm attempting to have a primary jit.cellblock control a hidden, secondary jit.cellblock. However, when initially opening the patch, the hidden/secondary jit.cellblock does not respond to the sync commands of the primary jit.cellblock. Once you unlock and relock the patch, the secondary/hidden jit.cellblock begins responding. The same behavior happens when the secondary jit.cellblock is in a subpatcher (included in example patch here).
To duplicate the behavior, open this patch, save it, close it, and do a fresh open. Before doing anything else, begin clicking around in the primary/visible jit.cellblock. Notice the sync commands being correctly generated out of the third outlet. After a few clicks, unlock the patch to see the hidden/secondary jit.cellblock, the selected cell will still be stuck at 0, 0. Then lock the patch, click around some more in the primary jit.cellblock, unlock the patch, and verify that the hidden, secondary jit.cellblock has begun responding to the sync commands from the primary. To duplicate again, you will need to close and re-open the patch each time. The same thing happens when the secondary jit.cellblock is in a subpatcher. Am I missing a special something? Do I need to be in a specific "mode"? Any thoughts on a work around?
Hi All,
Re-stating question more succinctly:
I’ve run into a situation where jit.cellblock is not syncing with another. Can anyone replicate the above and confirm? Maybe check out the attached code?
It is so as you describe, at least in max 8 versions.
same as if it were excluded from presentation view.
But what is the purpose of that hidden cellblock ?
if it really has to be there, then there are other options to get it out of sight,
but to hide it on lock.
Thanks, Source Audio.
Yes, good idea, I suppose I can use a white panel to place on top of the secondary jit.cellblock, then make the cellblock visible underneath. This seems to be a fine kludge. Still, my sense is this behavior might want to be addressed in a future version.
I'm reading from a dense text file with a variety of related registration entries. I'm dynamically loading certain text elements into my primary cellblock to be selected/manipulated by the user, then tracking these with other numerical entries that are parsed out and placed in the secondary cellblock to be tracked and tested in other parts of the patch for keeping track. But this is unsightly for the user, thus making it invisible. The panel camouflage works for now.... ;)
Why not use subpatcher as in your posted patch ?
you can also move or resize objects using scripting,
like one cellblock behind the other, even make it transparent instead ...
a lot of options.