Presentation Objects visible in Patcher
Very new to Max/MSP but loving it.
When i add objects to the presentation window and move them, I can see them in the patch window (double objects.
Is there a way to hide these from the patch window?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, there isn't. Think of it this way: all the objects your code use are in Patching view. Presentation View is just the subset of those objects that have an attribute checkbox checked to put them in presentation view. When you add objects while in presentation view, that checkbox gets checked automatically.
Thanks for getting back. It's just that when I move the objects in presentation view, it seems to show some duplicates of the objects which makes the patcher window very messy.
Is this normal behaviour?
Are you holding alt (windows) or option (macos) while dragging? If so, it creates a duplicate of the object. Normally you don't need to hold any key to drag objects around. Just click on them, hold the click and drag.