Priority in Pattrstorage - not working? (or I'm doing something wrong)

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Elainie Lillios

2月 04 2021 | 10:18 午後

Dear Max Friends:

I am trying to use pattrstorage to control a signal processing toolbox, in which order of operations is crucial to sonic success. I have been trying, and failing, to use the priority feature of pattrstorage, and wonder if anyone has had success with it?

Here is a for instance... When interpolating between two presets in pattrstorage, I want to:
1. Set FX parameters and target an mc.poly~ instance
2. fade in signal input and output

No matter how I prioritize certain objects, they seem to all interpolate at the same time. I have the faders set to a 100 priority, and everything else set to 0 priority. When I interpolate between presets, the fx parameters and faders interpolate at the same time rather than in some prioritized fashion, and then the mc.poly instance is targeted at the end of the interpolation (even though its interpolation is set to OFF since it's a binary switch.

I have resorted to removing faders and mc.poly~ target switches from pattrstorage and targeting them manually using pattrforward, but doing so negates the whole idea of using pattrstorage at all!

Any advice appreciated, and/or I am happy to share my patch with you or have a quickie Zoom meeting to share my woes. Many thanks in advance, oh ye Max-sperts!


Elainie Lillios