Problem with Custom Color Picker Palette in High Sierra

bkshepard's icon


11月 12 2017 | 10:32 午後

I have Max 7.3.4 installed on two Macintosh computers, one running Sierra (10.12.6) and the other High Sierra (10.13.1). When I go to the inspector of an object to set a color choice, I can't select from my custom color palette in the High Sierra version, but I can in the Sierra version (working with the exact same file on both computers). I can select from the main palette, and from the color wheel/sliders/etc., but not from my custom palette. Again, I CAN select from the custom palette in Sierra, just not High Sierra. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Color Picker

tyler mazaika's icon

tyler mazaika

11月 14 2017 | 4:06 午後

Is it working correctly in other applications? I'd try in TextEdit but also in some other 3rd party apps if possible.

bkshepard's icon


11月 15 2017 | 1:21 午前

Thanks for the suggestion, Tyler. Yes, it does work correctly in other apps like TextEdit and MS Word. Interestingly, I also tried it in Max 6.1, and it didn't work there.

zarpud's icon


11月 17 2017 | 1:40 午後

Same here in other applications they open "couleurs" (because I'm on a french version) and it works well, but in Max it still open "color" picker and it doesn't work

bkshepard's icon


11月 18 2017 | 1:02 午前

One of my computers (see my original post above) was working fine using OS 10.12.6 and Max 7.3.4 (the build right before the most recent build). With that computer, I just did a little experiment. First, I updated the Max build to the most recent (1d56897) and tried the custom palette in the color picker. It worked fine. Then, I updated my OS to High Sierra (10.13.1) and tried the custom palette in the color picker--it doesn't work. I can use the custom palette in other applications in High Sierra, but not Max. It seems to be a problem with Max and High Sierra.

zarpud's icon


11月 18 2017 | 10:12 午前

they will fix it : "We have fixed it for a future version of Max that will be released in the second quarter of next year. As a current workaround you can use the eyedropper tool to select a preset color."

bkshepard's icon


11月 18 2017 | 6:22 午後

Where did you see that? 2nd quarter of next year is when Max 8 is scheduled to be released.

zarpud's icon


11月 19 2017 | 1:42 午後

the support team answered me.