Problems with counter and comparison objects

Asher Young's icon


I'm a student just beginning to learn Max, and I'm encountering some issues when trying to use counter and comparison (>, ==, etc.) objects together. What I'm trying to do is use a select object that outputs a bang whenever I press a key on my keyboard-- the bang goes into a counter that counts back and forth between 0 and 1. I am sending the number from this counter object into two comparison objects, one of which is ==0 and one of which is ==1. My goal is to get alternating bang messages from the switching between 0 and 1 in the counter object, but with the way I have this set up, both of these comparison objects will send out bangs at the same time. I've attached a patch with the problem area only. Can anyone tell me what's going on here or if there's a better way to do this? As I said, I would like to get alternating bangs from the comparison objects, or counting between 0 and 1. Feel free to ask any questions you might have. Thanks!

counter and comparison problem.maxpat
Max Patch

Wil's icon

If you look at the help page you will see that < > == etc are boolean

that means they output true or false ( 0 or 1)

attach a print you will see

if they always out put 0 or 1 using as a bang will bang 0 and 1

best way what you want to do like this with sel 0, sel 1

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Roman Thilenius's icon
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Asher Young's icon

Thank you for the help, both of you. The sel 0 and sel 1 worked just fine for me.