Real time data scrolling line graph

Benjamin Penwell's icon

I'm working on an Arduino/Max project involving a gyroscope/accelerometer and I'd like to visualize the data over time with a graph similar to the attached picture. I've been using [multislider] to visualize each element (GyrX, Gyr Y, Gyr Z, AccX, AccY, AccZ), but I'd like to find a way to overlay all of the data with different colors so that it's all immediately present. I'm not really sure how to do this - I looked into the [plot~] object but I'm not sure how to get it to do what a want, or if it's the right object to be looking at. Another component of what I'm trying to do is have the data be plotting and scrolling in realtime (similar to what you can do with [multislider] with around 5-10 seconds of data being shown on the graph as it scrolls. Any help would be super appreciated.

Gyroscope data graph found online


Bochneg Zhong's icon

Hi, do you find any solutions?