reset stash~ in advance mode "next"

trainvids's icon


7月 06 2022 | 3:30 午後

is there a way to reset the stash~ "step" while in advance mode: next?
i.e. restart the "step sequencer" if you are using it in that fashion?
can't see a clear way to do so in the documentation.

Rodrigo's icon


4月 27 2023 | 6:35 午後

Bumping this as running into the same exact issue. Surely there's a way to get it to jump back to the starting position without having to do some weird work around (changing modes and/or contents randomly then back quickly).

Joris van Suijdam's icon

Joris van Suijdam

6月 30 2023 | 2:33 午後

Bump, seems reasonable to have that functionality.

p g's icon

p g

8月 04 2023 | 6:12 午後

do we have any progress regarding this matter; i.e. to be able to control the index counting output of the stash~ object? my aim is to be able to sync the outputs of stash~ objects driven by different phasor objects. but it seems i am can't control (or reset the "step" in the object).

endlesshappiness's icon


8月 27 2023 | 5:35 午後

I'm just jumping in to say I'd like this functionality too. Kind of limiting to have a sequencer with no way to reset the step count.

In the meantime, does anyone have any good workarounds? I want to be able to reset the step count of multiple stash objects from ramps at varying frequencies, not having that much luck.

Luca Schwarz's icon

Luca Schwarz

9月 05 2024 | 11:29 午前

Hey there. I don’t know if this is still relevant information but if you change the mode of stash to Index (1) and than feed it with an Index instead of triggers, than you can reset that index you feed into stash, which will also reset the sequence stash is outputting.