Saving All Settings/UI Object Parameters In a Patch At Once (Or, using the most efficient method possible)

fas11030's icon

I am trying to figure out how to save all the settings and UI object parameters in a patch at once, so that the entire patch can be recalled at once. I've been dabbling with the pattr, pattrstorage, and autopattr objects to try to get it to work, but I'm having a lot of trouble and I don't really know what I'm doing.
Ideally it wouldn't require a ton of patch cords everywhere, because the main patch I'm working on has a ton of objects that need to be recalled to specific settings. It should also be able to load the entire preset upon opening the patch and ideally should prompt the user to save if changes are made.
I attached an example of the type of patch I'm working with (it's a small excerpt of a much larger patch as an example).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Mark's icon

don't have time to check your patch, but i remember there was a good tutorial about pattrstorage, i think it's one of these two:

DaSheng Hen's icon


Awesome! This is the simplest and clearest description of the presets!