Saving large base64 images with node.js
Hey all,
I'm successfully downloading base64 PNG files using an http request, but I can only save them up to about 120x120 pixels. I'm guessing I'm hitting a size limit somewhere in node.js...
const path = require('path');
const Max = require('max-api');
const fs = require('fs');
Max.addHandler("png", (data) => {
var buf = new Buffer(data, 'base64');
fs.writeFile('image_temp.png', buf, function(err, result) {
if(err) post('error', err); });
Thanks for any advice!
Tried this - did not work - maybe I'm importing node:buffer incorrectly? I get "Buffer.alloc is not a function."
const Buffer = require('node:buffer');
const path = require('path');
const Max = require('max-api');
const fs = require('fs');
Max.addHandler("png", (data) => {
var buf = Buffer.alloc(262144, 'base64');
data.copy(buf, data);
fs.writeFile('image_temp.png', buf, function(err, result) {
if(err) post('error', err); });
hey John, this n4m code last ran in 2021, but it did write base64 images (coming in from Runway-ML) to disk as png images at 1024x1024. I couldn't tell you everything this code is doing (especially that string replace on the first line), but here it is in case it's useful:
//////////////////// Save base64 image into local disk //////////////////////////////////
function writeBinaryImagesToDisk() {
// //base64 image
let base64Data = base64String.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, '')
// // remove first part of the string
let binaryImage = Buffer.from(base64Data, 'base64')
// lodash library enumerate the generated file names
let imgNumber = _.padStart(count, 4, '0')
// combine folder and image number
let imgTitle = `${imgFolder}/image_${imgNumber}.png`
// write a file with the image name in the folder, where the script is located
// throws a warning:ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK. Ignore it...
fs.writeFile(`${imgTitle}`, binaryImage, err => {
if (err)
//`The file ${imgTitle} has been saved!`)
m.outlet("write", `${imgTitle}`)
//if (count <= framePerSecond * videoLength) {
//setTimeout(generateImage(), 100) // delay time
The above function called here
const data = {
z: a, //assign the generated latent space vector a to the Z space
truncation: truncation, //variation in image generations - higher is more random, lower is more similar
// POST = send data (latent vector)
// GET = request data (resulting image)
.post(postURL, data)
.then(() => {
.then((response) => {
//assign the base64 encoded image as string to the base64String variable
base64String =
// call the function to save the base64 image in the png format
.catch((error) => {
// .catch((error) => {
// })
Yes thanks so much Rob! Had to mess with it a bit, but getting all image sizes now!
const path = require('path');
const Max = require('max-api');
const fs = require('fs');
const axios = require('axios');
//////////////////// Save base64 image into local disk //////////////////////////////////
function writeBinaryImagesToDisk(INPUT) {
let IMG = Buffer.from(INPUT[0], 'base64')
fs.writeFile(`temp.png`, IMG, err => {
if (err)
Max.outlet("write", "saved")
Max.addHandler("bang", () => {
const PAYLD = {
"prompt" : "two cats",
"steps" : 5,
"width" : 1024,
"height" : 512
.post("", PAYLD)
.then((RESPONSE) => {
//assign the base64 encoded image as string to the base64String variable
BASE64 =
// Max.outlet("raw", (BASE64))
// call the function to save the base64 image in the png format
.catch((error) => {