Sending messages directly to a custom abstraction with [thispatcher]
I have been using [thispatcher] to dynamically create and delete objects as well as send data to them. I would like to do this with a simple abstraction I created, but I consistently get
patcher: doesn't understand "int"
or whatever type of data I try to send with
script send <scripting-name> <message>
I know I could instead instantiate another object like [number] and dynamically connect it to my abstraction with [thispatcher], but is there an easier way to send messages directly to my own objects? With stock objects like [number], [pack], and even [zl.reg] I can send messages directly to them with 'script send' and it seems to behave the same as if the message entered the first inlet. I've tried looking online and can't find a way to get my abstractions to "understand" direct messages even if they have one inlet specifically to do so.
Is this possible? Or is there something special about default objects that allow them to handle messages sent directly to them as opposed to inlets?
i can confirm that it is easy to do something wrong with that and not get the behaviour you want.
did you check if after creation the object actually has a scripting name?
when i copy the number box example from the helpfile and try the same messages with an ezdac~ (signal object and more than 1 inlets, greatest possible difference), it works fine.
oh, you said "abstractions". that does not work.
Okay, I will stick to creating an extra object and connecting it to the inlet via script and then send messages to that