[sharing] rms->thresh->slide = envelope follower in gen~

👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽's icon

My, you're all looking fresh and dapper this evening.
Thanks for comin out!
see previous ones here:

Sorry to pollute the forums with this small, insignificant share, but hopefully this will be the last one for awhile
Thanks for being patient with my skidmarks all over your forums >;D

kleine's icon

He did it again! Thanks!

Evan's icon

While working on a concept for a new effect I'm throwing in my OWL pedal, I needed an envelope follower. I have been interested in doing all my DSP in codeboxes, so this seemed like a nice project. Here's Raja's envelope follower realized in codebox:

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Not entirely clear on how everything is working with all the ternaries, but I think this will work nicely. Thanks for the 4 year old example!

Evan's icon

Thanks for the clarification! This was more an exercise in translating the patch into a codebox thing as to better understand the techniques used, so the equation not being accurate wasn't a huge deal. But I did do actual RMS here, and added a trigger threshold parameter (this is going to be used for triggering some spectral delay stuff on live input, maybe).

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Ryan Palm's icon

yes! thank you. This was the final piece ive been looking for... Im working on stuff for my daisy patch and this RMS detector should be what i need for upwards compression. Maybe that gives you an idea of what i might be after if you're an edm sort of guy lol.

its a 3 band saturator, and since ive not reached the cpu limit, im adding an upwards and downwards compression stage on the high end. sort of like running Trash2 into OTT. The hitch is you need to break into multiband before the module. crossover filters take a lot of memory.

👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽's icon

Hey, my pleasure :)
(this thread used to be named differently, totally forgot it was mine, kept looking past it 'til now 😂)

actually, since this topic does kinda slide~ into the topic of compressors/limiters/AGC/etc...
here's some other threads i learned from more recently that relate in case it helps anyone out getting to all the options available:
Vichug's thread here has some great stuff:
and Timo's sidechain comp is pretty amazing as well:

👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽's icon

I AM A FRAUD! 😭 I looked more into this one(finally after many years), and see i think i did 'RMS' backwards here(haha, i had trouble with this before, explaining it on the forums, always forgetting the order in which RMS happens).
I should have titled the thread, "DRMS -> thresh -> slide...[etc.]."
(for 'Dyslexic RMS' 😜... otherwise (un)commonly known as 'SMR' 🥸)

in any case, all should see the links to articles posted above for better stuff. and for env-followers in general, i can highly recommend Tom Hall's latest, i'll post it again here in closing:

Edit: oh wait, now i see Evan might've been answering something where i posted something about this already(but then trashed my post, making Evan look almost psychic or something... i guess that works, too)... look there, too.. but ignore my posts... except this one... this one has the summary ;)