[sharing] Raymarching in jit.gl.pix
my first test in Raymarching jit.gl.pix.
There are problems of small ray. I do not control everything but the tracks are there.
If someone cycling74 through here, I'd like help on the Param statement in a function.
In the code box I signal my problem.
I could achieve this by reading and copying bits of code at:
I hope to motivate some to do the same :)
Other examples of generative jit.gl.pix here: https://cycling74.com/forums/sharing-small-generative-jit-gl-pix/
enjoy yourself
The patch
Awesome, Thanks!
woah this kicks ass at 200fps :]
now lets try n figure out what's going on in there!
LLT, such good work here, thank you for sharing... did you write this yourself or was it ported from an example? if it's a port, could you share the example to help me understand how this was accomplished? thank you!
hi, this is a bit of both, I found examples and tips codes at:
the examples of codes Raymarching was found http://glsl.heroku.com. Unfortunately I do not remember what page of the site exactly.
I mixed everything and try to understand, there are pieces everywhere :)
I have to do something else at the moment. But soon I will try to document more code. I've made mistakes in the code, I need to clean. I do not understand everything and we lack examples of cycling74 to help us make the portage.
Please cycling74 We need a very simple example of Raymarching with pricipale functions.
I'll be back soon.
hello everyone
I'm a little lost in my previous post for well documented :D
so this time I chose to do a port of Raymarching http://glsl.heroku.com
You will find the source code in the jit.gl.pix.
I just added the ITER parameter to relieve my little GPU.
it is difficult for me to run a lot of shader in http://glsl.heroku.com.
for example I have trouble figuring out how to mat2, mat3 in jit.gl.pix
also in the codebox I know declare settings in a function but I can not call it.
an example:
oa (q)
param loop (20.)
return cos (qx) + cos (qy * (1.0 + sin (2) * 0.5).) + cos (qz) + cos (qy * loop) * .05;
if I change the parameter in the codebox loop it works but not if I call with a loop variable $1 in jit.gl.pix.
Team cycling74 here? ;)
the patch
this is amazing!!! thanks a lot for sharing it!!
awesome, thanksssssss too <333
This is amazing - welll done.
Incredible port, LLT! Would it be possible to use ray marching or ray tracing to calculate light on a 3D scene, without making the actual virtual objects within the shader like you did here? If we managed to solve this, we could make some next level post processing stuff!
I have no idea how you would do this with 2D textures though, so I would not know how to tell jit.gl.pix about where the 3D scene surfaces are :(