Slab Hierarchy

Marigold Maripol's icon

Marigold Maripol

5月 26 2024 | 1:20 午前

Hi there -

I'm attempting to design a multi-tier arrangement of ''s, with some recursive processing at various nodes. My understanding is that it all gets "collected" at - but I'm running into things not behaving as I'd expect (certain slabs not operating, or operating out-of-order). Is there a general strategy for this type of work in Jitter? Thanks!

TFL's icon


5月 26 2024 | 10:41 午前

Use explicit @name attributes for world and nodes, and @drawto attributes for the slab and other gl objects. Then use @capture 1 (or 2 if you need the depth buffer and/or normals) on your nodes and wire their left outlet to the desired slab and cascade them in the desired order.