Stabilizing MIDI Delay in Max for Live
Hi list
I created a MIDI delay patch in Max for Live, where the notes are delayed in milliseconds through pipe objects, and these delays are linked to the master tempo. However, I always felt that my grooves weren't very consistent. While doing a recording test, I realized that the delayed notes weren't perfectly aligned and were being played slightly early or late.
I did the same thing with Ableton Live's track delay: I play the line offset by xxx milliseconds, and when I record the result, it seems much more stable. Unfortunately, using such a system complicates my patch a lot and gives me much less global control.
Do you have any ideas on how to better stabilize this MIDI delay rhythmically?
my Max4live patch is attached, sorry it's a bit messy.
Thanks in advance for your help.
start with single delay and test it's behaviour.
You did not mention if only delayed midi events get
out of set delay grid, or all.
And are all midi events equally early/late or not ?
Do you measure pure midi or udp sent events ?
I would think that in both cases Live is not capable
of keeping timing tight.