Standalone inter device audio communication

Norman Freund's icon

So I've built a few Max standalone audio processing devices -- tick.

What if I want to route say the audio output of standalone "A" to standalone "B", in a modular fashion as is typically done with hardware pedals? Rather than hardwiring "A" and "B" in a separate Max standalone.

Unfortunately when I go to the Audio Status in Max where I can select the Input and Output Devices for audio, it only lists the hardware audio devices, not the internal ones like (read wish list) "Standalone A Audio Output".

Sure I could use something like SoundFlower to have it act as the internal intermediary, but is this the best way?

It would be nice if in Max during the development stage I could at the audio output end, like the ezdac~ object, allow it to create those "additional" internal audio routing lines, so the other standalone Max devices could use them as inputs. So when the Audio Status is brought up those internal routings are listed.

Maybe I am barking up the wrong tree and have misunderstood the design philosophy of Max.

Thanks in advance,


Source Audio's icon

you must use inter application audio routing software for that,

jack, blackhole, soundflower, whatever.

Norman Freund's icon