Subpatches & presets ?

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I have a main patch, which is a drum sequencer ; I wonder how to make the preset object in the main patch recall the preset number of each subpatch - I don't understand the clever way.

How to do this ?

(I tried using integers to send the preset number but i have to check each time the preset used in the subpatch, and save the right integer in the main patch. this is not clever, nor practical)

The patch is quite loaded with dependencies, external sounds and stuff so I made a simpler patch to illustrate the issue.

Max Patch

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if you want to exclude presets from subpatchers,

and store only their current selected preset numbers ?

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Yes, this exactly, thank you

And in another case, what if I want to include the whole preset of the subpatch ?

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include into what ?

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into the main patch's [preset] ; does a main patch [preset] can recall subpatch [preset] parameters ?

sorry, I don't understand well the relationship between subpatchers and [pattrstorage] and how to deal with those.

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no, not that I know.

preset can be included into pattrstorage, but not into another preset.

why do you need preset object in subpatch ?

to have some fixed presets, or to store / recall them on the fly ?

And what should relation between main storage, whatever it is,

and storage of sub patchers be for your case ?

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"And what should relation between main storage, whatever it is, and storage of sub patchers be for your case ?"

It was not a relevant question, from what I tried afterwards, the [pattrstorage} object is tied to a patcher or subpatcher and won't communicate with other patches or subpatchers (and that's great)

I need a preset object on subpatchers to store and recall all the parameters (my subpatchers are often complete instruments), and I like the idea of recalling preset numbers in the main patch, this way I have the sequence, the sounds and some parameters stored in the main patch but I can tweak, change and store separate sounds in every subpatch without bloating the main [preset] object.