Thispatcher -setactive- crashes max (bug?)

alain's icon


7月 17 2024 | 10:33 午前

Hi all,

I am going crazy with an extremely simple patch that systematically crashes Max.

Can someone confirm that it crashes on your machine also ? You just need to click on the button in the 'Pantalla2P1' tab that should open by default (loadbang)

Using Max 8.6.4 on a macbook pro with OSX 11.7.10

Not sure if this not how I should be using the setactive message, but it does not make sense that it crashes Max,

Any help, suggestion, welcome

[EDIT] When I export the patch as standalone, the app does not crash, which makes me think there is something wrong either with my max install or that this is a bug.




Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

slo ~|•'s icon

slo ~|•

7月 17 2024 | 4:41 午後

Crashes Max here. MacBook Pro Intel OS 14.5

Looks like it's some sort of thread/priority issue. The patch doesn't crash if you use a [qmetro] (or probably another defer type object)

Ben Bracken's icon

Ben Bracken

7月 17 2024 | 4:52 午後

Thanks, I can repro here and it's been ticketed. The workaround as suggested is to deferlow the 'setactivetab' messages to thispatcher, or use qmetro.

alain's icon


7月 17 2024 | 5:10 午後

Thanks Slo and Ben for looking into this and offering a working solution.

