UI of AU component plugin

neuwirthe's icon

I finally managed to create an AU component plugin with the following interface

In this view, I can only change the parameter values with the mouse, typing does not work

When I change the view to

I can enter values from the keyboard, but entering 60 in the centerpitch slot immediately changes the value to 96

  1. IS it possible to allow keyboard entry in the first view (RemoteView)?

  2. What do I need to do that in the second view (Control) the values stay as entered and do not change?

neuwirthe's icon

I am now trying to make presets for my parameters

These are the definitions of the parameters withinin the rnbo~ object

These is the preset setup in the master max patch

But when I use the AU plugin in MainStage, the presets are not shown correctly

What is causing my problem here?

neuwirthe's icon

Problem solved

I have to unlock the master maxpat and to select the rnbo~ object when taking snapshots. Only then will they be embedded in the plugin.