Usebusymap default off

jamesway's icon


6月 22 2024 | 3:09 午前

I find myself having a master message box to set mc.thingy to turn off use usebusymap anytime I change @tings. I would love a default load mc.thingamabob with usebusymap=off preference.

That is all, peace and patchy to you.

jamesway's icon


6月 28 2024 | 6:40 午後

Please, for the love of Lord spaghetti patch! Is there no way to change mc.object defaults to have @usebusymap off?!!

I just spent half an hour debugging a patch just to find one silly "mc ~*" had @usebusymap turned back on.

I still have a global usebusymap0 parameter box with a hundred cords connected to every mc object.

The reason for the master "usebusymap param" is

while renaming certain objects with @attribute changes, can cause reset of usebusymap parameters patch wide.

Also my patch cord popup - mc channel signal view box no longer works? I really loved that feature and wanted an object that did the exact same.

Please help me, patching is nearly unbearable right now.

I updated max about month ago but these issues preceed that.

Thanks much

Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

6月 29 2024 | 7:00 午前

would universal object help ?

jamesway's icon


7月 01 2024 | 3:32 午前

Whooah, yes absolutely. Cool!, a whole new object to explore, thank you kind sir.