Using a Dimmer with MIDI input - Flicker issue
I am struggling with something that might be just really basic, but I can't get it working properly, so I hope you will be able to help me out!
I want to control three light bulbs using a portable dimmer (Botex MPX-405) that allows for MIDI input, but when I try to dim them, they flicker all the way up or down. So they effectively gain brightness with the values that Max sends to them, but it looks like they just go on and off with every value change. Because of the way the dimmer works, control change is not accepted, so the dimmer basically picks up a note and controls brightness based on the velocity of that note.
Is there anything I could do from Max in order to keep the stream of data coming to the dimmer? I wonder if noteout is somehow sending hidden note off messages to the dimmer, but I tried using stripnote and the issue persists. The only way I could obtain a clean dimming so far was bombing the pitch of the noteout object with a metro set to 1ms, but even so it comes to dropouts, and it just goes backs to flickering when I modify the second or third note.
I attach the patch, so you can have a look at it.
I will be very thankful for any hint!
(Otherwise, I can always use regular DMX to control the dimmer, but I wanted to crack its MIDI functionality).
Thank you!!
post midi specifications for midi control of that dimmer.
and next time use copy compressed - paste
to post max patcher here-
You're flooding these poor cheap dimmers with a midi message every millisecond, even when the values aren't changing. I don't own this hardware but I guess the issue can come from here.
I would do something like this instead.