Why is the [gen] reference page burried?

ShelLuser's icon


5月 12 2024 | 4:33 午後

Hi gang!

No, manuals aren't for wussies these days anymore, they're for pro's. There's a reason why we can access the reference section right from within our patcher window.

Anywhoo... My browser "soft favorited" the Max 8 documentation website because I often refer to this on Reddit (no, not RTFM commnents; while explaining the issue at hand and providing references to how I would solve things).

But... why isn't the gen reference page part of the gen search results? (at the time of writing, obviously).

I mean, even the gen~ reference page only lists the gen tutorial ("gen topic") in its "See also" section yet completely ignores the actual Gen object.

Darn you MSP fanboys! ;)

More seriously though: this seems like a major oversight to me. Yah, gen~ is huge (still is!), but ... [gen] can seriously help you to avoid having to use [defer].

Figured I'd share.