Oni Shogun -
submitted the ticket, thanks.
Luke Teaford -
Very helpful-- thank you! I suppose const/let are block scoped and var isn't so that is just the way it will work in codeblocks, etc. The...
Sander Notenbaert -
Hi! When coding for the js object, I'd like to work in my usual text editor. However, currently I'm being bombarded with diagnostics,...
Hi Nikolas, I post in this thread for the sole purpose of contacting you as I didn't find any other way around. I'm in the process of...
Just Evan -
Hello. I'm trying to make a device that dynamically monitors changes in the chains of the drumrack device, namely whether the name of...
Fedde -
gridshape.automatic = 0;
Damiano Meacci -
M4L+Dict+javascript in Live 12 with max 8.6.4
Source Audio -
regexp (path\\slive_set\\s(tracks\\s\\d+|master_track|return_tracks\\s\\d+)).* @substitute %1 that too long regexp matches set strings...
Lee -
thx ben - very helpful. It was the first form I'd used in the past, just couldn't remember the format. Cheers
Iain Duncan -
If you are worried about timing, you could also try implementing this in Scheme using Scheme for Max, which allows running in the scheduler...