Source Audio - 2時間前
no, I mean to collect number of samples into group to analyse. you can then get rms of the range. If > than set thresh, mark as non -...
Stew Day - 5時間前
It helped a lot :) I’ve learned so much from this conversation and just exploring examples. I’ve got a better sense of what stutter can...
Source Audio - 1日前
you can of course create a signal and record it into buffer in real time, for example : if you want non real time option, try sliding at...
Erwin Fonseca - 1日前
With groove you can change the speed of the playback. To play backwards you should put a sig~ -1 to the left inlet of the groove~...
👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽 - 3日前
Maybe someone can help decipher some this... especial that "Clipping Stage" i think most of the clipping stage in that schematic simply...
Laura Papke - 4日前
Thank you all so much, will immidiately dive into your tips <3
trummerschlunk - 5日前
Ah, of course I need a selector. Nice, thanks a lot! I edited some details, so the brake can gradually go from 1. (no brake) to 0. (full...
Laurin Baumann - 6日前
Okay so actually Blackhole does the trick I believe. I created a dac~ output with a corresponding channel number for each output in my...
Source Audio - 7日前
I don't know about markers and how you want to display them, but they will at the end be just 4 numbers, with starting one, and 3...
Roman Thilenius - 8日前
some do samples when in interrupt - including the output of newer versions of snapshot~ - i can´t remember where, but i promise i read that...