- 4日前
Hello! I am making some M4L patches starting with the default Max Midi Effect object in the Live browser. You know, the object that has...
Rachel Horrell - 5日前
thank you so much! that worked :-)
VGiusti - 10日前
Hi ... Unfortunately I had the same problem here and in a project that it was running, so no time to fix all the 3rd party externals. ...
Ryan Ellis - 21日前
It looks like the hunch was correct that the combination of H.264 with MPEG-4 AAC was causing the issue. After using FFMPEG to remove the...
Yogglebot - 22日前
Regarding SPARTA, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but here is my understanding of things: If you use SPARTA v1.6.2 (or earlier), which...
TFL - 24日前
You cannot "clear" parameters in stored presets, but you can set them to whatever value you want using setstoredvalue messages. Like...
TFL - 25日前
This has been answered several times, including here. Check the "Scala" tab in [mtof] and [ftom] helper patchers. And if you want to be...
realshafer - 1ヶ月前
Hi, I've run into a pretty straightforward issue in 8.6.4 on a Mac and I suspect it is a bug: the read or write message into mcs.vst~...
Domenico Di Giosa - 1ヶ月前
Thanks again for your helpful reply Source! Well appreciated!
Philippe Moënne-Loccoz - 1ヶ月前
ok, merci beaucoup, je comprends mieux. Je reste à ton écoute, et de Bob Ramirez si vous avez des idées/infos plus précises sur ce...