I continue to be astonished at the collaborative nature of the Max-related Facebook groups. It’s developing into a great community of people contributing, sharing and seeking assistance.
Recently, Australian Max ninja Chris Vik posted an open call for help with the jit.gl.nurbs object:
As per usual, in less than 10 minutes, the usual suspects, Franz Rosati and Phillippe Hughes appeared – and Chris and others walked away with several powerful examples of how to use and program jit.gl.nurbs.
The Facebook group is good in many ways but I much prefer the forums here. Everything is so fleeting on FB and it can be almost impossible to find a specific post that you might want to go back to. Try finding this Nurbs patch on there in four years time!
Gweilo : most probably, the administrator forgot you even asked to join it... maybe you cna resubmit a membership request. if not, try PMing an administrator.