

I continue to be astonished at the collaborative nature of the Max-related Facebook groups. It’s developing into a great community of people contributing, sharing and seeking assistance.

Recently, Australian Max ninja Chris Vik posted an open call for help with the object:

As per usual, in less than 10 minutes, the usual suspects, Franz Rosati and Phillippe Hughes appeared – and Chris and others walked away with several powerful examples of how to use and program

These examples are stunning.

Some amazing patch sharing going on in the Max Jitter group at the moment! #jitter #maxmsp #max7 #opengl #graphics #physics

A video posted by Cycling '74 (@c74connect) on Apr 18, 2016 at 3:14pm PDT

Check out the thread here for the examples and be sure to join the group as it develops further.

by Tom Hall on April 26, 2016

Noah's icon

any way of getting a hold of this patch without signing up for Facebook?

Francois Weber's icon

+1 , agree with NOAH...

Rob Ramirez's icon

originally posted by matmat on this forum in 2012!

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Greg Finger's icon

the max facebook group is definitely awesome, but your link goes to some Jitter group... hard to keep up with offshoots...

@rob_ramirez thanks for that link/patch, really beautiful rendering in that.
(what's the proper way to "@" a user who has a space in their name?)

Noah's icon

Thank you very much. An effect I have been wondering about for a long time now. Looking forward to studying/understanding the patch.

foldh's icon

That is a fantastic patch.

The Facebook group is good in many ways but I much prefer the forums here. Everything is so fleeting on FB and it can be almost impossible to find a specific post that you might want to go back to. Try finding this Nurbs patch on there in four years time!

gweilo's icon

What does one have to do to become a member of this group? I requested membership but since I don't know the secret handshakes nobody responds :(

vichug's icon

Gweilo : most probably, the administrator forgot you even asked to join it... maybe you cna resubmit a membership request. if not, try PMing an administrator.

gweilo's icon

Vichug: Thank you for reply. I sent both admins a friendship request and that worked :)