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You'll Either Love It or Not: Binaural Beats in Max for Live

by Darwin Grosse on June 28, 2016

This week we start looking into some of the cool devices that people have been creating in Max for Live, and using them within the Max...

Some Gifts from Japan (And an Interesting Idea about Time)

by Gregory Taylor on May 3, 2016

[Image: SR201606-thumb350x.png ] One of the annual high points in my Cycling ’74 trade show life back in the day was the visit from our...


by Tom Hall on April 26, 2016

Max nuggets of knowledge are popping up on these active pages daily, don't be afraid to get over there and join in the fun, they aren't...

Mirror Mirror: Creating a Glassy Texture

by Tom Hall on January 26, 2016

Recently, in the Jitter (C74) Facebook Group, a question was asked “How might I recreate this glassy texture?” with this neat gif being...