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Software/Hardware Overview: Let Us Praise the Klee Sequencer
by Gregory Taylor on January 8, 2019
I’ve been thinking a lot about step sequencers recently, and about different approaches to the idea. I’d like to introduce you to one of...
Software/Hardware Overview: Let Us Praise the Mellotron
by Gregory Taylor on October 23, 2018
Beyond things like the Stradivarius or the Les Paul, there are iconic electronic sounds, too - and perhaps no sound quite so iconic as the...
Hardware Overview: MIDI Fighter Twister
by Cory Metcalf on June 5, 2018
I started using the Doepfer Pocket Dial and Fader back around 2000, and I’ve had a fondness for a good external controller ever since. The...
Hardware Overview: The Nakedboards Controllers
by Tom Hall on May 1, 2018
My MIDI days stretch back far enough that I remember trends and styles coming and going. That said, I’m always on the lookout for elegant...
Hardware Overview/Requiem: Mutable Instruments’ Braids
by Darwin Grosse, Gregory Taylor on October 24, 2017
Mutable Instruments announced that they were retiring one of the stalwart modules of modern Eurorack analog systems: the Braids digital...
Hardware Overview: Expressive E Touché
by Tom Hall on October 10, 2017
Expressive E’s Touché is a multidimensional controller with a generous range of I/O capped off with a slick computer interface for even...
Hardware Overview: BopPad from Keith McMillen Instruments
by Cory Metcalf on September 5, 2017
Early this year, I found myself in the market for a lightweight pad controller that was affordable and portable, but also flexible and...
Hardware Overview: Korg nanoKey Studio
by Darwin Grosse on August 22, 2017
The Korg nanoKey Studio seems to have it all: keys, pads, knobs and a touchpad. Let's take a look at how it performs - and if it might be a...
Hardware Overview: HTC Vive
by Cory Metcalf on July 5, 2017
Virtual Reality is nothing new - the access, ease of use, and range of tools for creating content are. I’d like to give you a tour of the...
Pew Pew - Max/well Meets Lasers
by Tom Hall on May 30, 2017
If you’ve got a hankering to put on your own expansive laser show in the comfort of your own hub or the local club or gallery, I’ve got...