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The list of what we're discovering about Max and our users grows each day. We tackle everything from hardware reviews to re-reading books from decades past.

On the Road: Live Design International

by Andrew Benson on 2016年11月1日 20:05

Last week, I was invited by to participate in a panel discussion at Live Design International (LDI) in Las Vegas, the leading conference...

The Infectious Charm of the Bazille

by Mark Mosher on 2016年5月3日 17:53

Sometimes, a little change of pace can be a welcome thing and provide an opportunity to "think different." In that spirit, we asked our...

Package Manager Features in Max 7.2.2

by Darwin Grosse on 2016年4月20日 20:20

One of the cool features added to Max 7.2.2 is the ability to inform us - and other users - about the value of a package. This includes the...

A Tour of Filtering Tools in Max

by Timothy Place on 2016年3月8日 21:01

In this 12-minute video, I give you a tour of some advanced Max filtering tools and filter design options that go above and beyond the...

Get the karma~ Package by Rodrigo and Raja

by Andrew Benson on 2016年2月16日 23:55

The ‘custom looper’ is one of those classic Max projects that is a rite of passage for most audio-curious Max enthusiasts. At some point,...

My First Look at Mogees

by Tom Hall on 2016年2月16日 22:24

This week I’d like to highlight a new product that came to me late last year: Mogees. The easiest way to explain them is that they resemble...

Solving Difficult Problems with the pattr Object Tutorials

by Darwin Grosse on 2015年10月20日 18:39

Recently, Gregory and I were talking about a couple of different projects we were working on. They all shared something in common: they...

An Interview with Filipa Valente

by Marsha Vdovin on 2014年9月23日 17:38

Formally trained and practicing as an architect, artist Filipa Valente forges beyond the expected precincts of surface, space, and form,...

A first peek at Max 7

by David Zicarelli on 2014年9月17日 22:15

As I write this from an airport terminal somewhere in the world, we are hard at work finishing the Max 7 release. The last weeks before a...

An Interview with Bruno Zamborlin

by Marsha Vdovin on 2014年6月23日 16:01

When I first saw videos of Bruno Zamborlin’s Mogees project, I thought "cool, someone has made an app for that old contact-mic trick." ...