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The list of what we're discovering about Max and our users grows each day. We tackle everything from hardware reviews to re-reading books from decades past.
On the Road: Live Design International
by Andrew Benson on November 1, 2016
Last week, I was invited by to participate in a panel discussion at Live Design International (LDI) in Las Vegas, the leading conference...
The Infectious Charm of the Bazille
by Mark Mosher on May 3, 2016
Sometimes, a little change of pace can be a welcome thing and provide an opportunity to "think different." In that spirit, we asked our...
Package Manager Features in Max 7.2.2
by Darwin Grosse on April 20, 2016
One of the cool features added to Max 7.2.2 is the ability to inform us - and other users - about the value of a package. This includes the...
A Tour of Filtering Tools in Max
by Timothy Place on March 8, 2016
In this 12-minute video, I give you a tour of some advanced Max filtering tools and filter design options that go above and beyond the...
Get the karma~ Package by Rodrigo and Raja
by Andrew Benson on February 16, 2016
The ‘custom looper’ is one of those classic Max projects that is a rite of passage for most audio-curious Max enthusiasts. At some point,...
My First Look at Mogees
by Tom Hall on February 16, 2016
This week I’d like to highlight a new product that came to me late last year: Mogees. The easiest way to explain them is that they resemble...
Solving Difficult Problems with the pattr Object Tutorials
by Darwin Grosse on October 20, 2015
Recently, Gregory and I were talking about a couple of different projects we were working on. They all shared something in common: they...
An Interview with Filipa Valente
by Marsha Vdovin on September 23, 2014
[Image: subfeature-interviewfilipav.jpg ] Formally trained and practicing as an architect, artist Filipa Valente forges beyond the expected...
A first peek at Max 7
by David Zicarelli on September 17, 2014
As I write this from an airport terminal somewhere in the world, we are hard at work finishing the Max 7 release. The last weeks before a...
An Interview with Bruno Zamborlin
by Marsha Vdovin on June 23, 2014
[Image: interviewbrunoz.jpg ] When I first saw videos of Bruno Zamborlin’s Mogees project, I thought "cool, someone has made an app for...