[patchShare] Coupled Oscillators based on the Kuramoto Model

Jazer Giles's icon

Jazer Giles

8月 31 2021 | 2:00 午前

Five oscillators are phase coupled via the sine of the difference between each phase and the average phase leading to chaotic detuning and distortion. A running average is recorded so the calculation can be made with a delayed value to simulate non-instantaneous coupling between the oscillators.

Max Patch

JFS's icon


5月 15 2023 | 2:45 午後

Thank you for this! Of all the so-called chaos synths I've come across, this might by my favorite.

Massimiliano Cerioni's icon

Massimiliano Cerioni

5月 13 2024 | 5:01 午後

Love it, thanks a lot for this. Perfectly fits a research that I'm doing.