[share] patches from my weeklybeats2022
Hello, here's a patch share, i been doing so much improvising during the pandemic in Max/MSP/Jitter, that i've got a collection up now from which i created works just this year for Jamuary and also WeeklyBeats ...
Max has made it easy at times to get things done quickly with a matching video, here's an example where all sounds are synthd in Max, and for the visuals, Jitter sequences a bunch of pics i output from NightCafe, then put those through various shader-based effects for audio-reactivity... to use that part of the patch, you'll want to drop your own still pics into the jit.playlist object within the [p viz] subpatcher as shown in the video below:
^previews what the patch sounds and looks like
^i'd recommend you paste this patch in Max with audio off, save it to file, then reopen from the saved file(so all loadbangs/loadmesses initialize correctly), and also have your hand on the main volume when it first starts before you turn on audio(the output is protected by limi~, but just saving you any unwanted surprises in sudden volume from the start)
Also, i have a debut album i forgot to share here which i released earlier this year in 2 parts, one was dark ambient, the other more percussive:
not a strictly Max-only set of works, but heavily influenced(most tracks on part1 were all output from a single max patch(some were edited down to size in Logic...), while part2 was also with heavy max synthesis, but with some added samples and plugins like Aalto and Kaivo(not to mention plugins used for the mastering... part2 mostly edited/mixed either in Renoise or in Logic)...overall, both albums mastered in Logic)
Thanks for checking it all out, hope you enjoy 🍻
going out of town this weekend, so this week's weeklybeats is another made quickly using a max patch (shared here☝️ along with a random blender model i made with animation and colors)...
plus visualizer vid screencapped from the patch:
(goes live on weeklybeats.com each Sunday, mp3 download probably most readily available from my profile page there that day)
thanks 🍻
this week tried out new 8.3 features (twist~, mc.chord~, jit.gl.prb, etc.)... turned out weirdly overall, but i like the sounds i came up with:
here's the patch...save to file first then restart so it initializes... it works fine without but if you want you can go into the [p viz] subpatcher to load appropriate files into the jit.gl.pbr object to display everything correctly(choose whatever image you like)
... starts with everything at full volume, feel free to work the mix however you like ahead of turning on audio:
here's the last two weeks for weeklybeats2022,
first on the list from two weeks ago, "Sanctifried Chicken"
here's the max patch:
^keyboard shortcuts for that one are "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", all fade on/off different instruments... "0" thru "4" change tempo, and "spacebar" does something generally modulating to many things all at once(i forget)
and the current weeks has no jitter to it, but the audio is pretty special, i screencapped me playing the patch for the vid:
and i keep the special 'pfft~' effect to myself(for almost a decade now 🥷)... but here's the patch with all the synth instruments including new Max8.3 tricks i was trying with mc.pattern~, mc.what~, etc... read the description at the top-right of the patch first / find comfortable volume levels for yourself gradually:
i don't always use max for every week's weeklybeats.com thing, but lately been doing quite a few all with max patches(just keeping a running archive of the patches/posts here)... i'll save up and post a few all-at-once in the future so as not to keep bumping this thread too often... thanks to anyone who checks em out 🍻
got about 6 here, with links to the weeklybeats threads for associated downloadables, videos and writeups:
^this one had the same patch as 'dusksub' posted above before, but with changed pitches and rhythms
here's the vid, tho, since it's such a pleasant sounding track:
...and finally! here, for the current week, i've created the cheesiest music ever made with max/msp :D
i call it, "Earthshine"... it taught me never to try to sing like this again, haha:
here's the patch(minus the vocal files.. you don't need to hear that again, haha...), feel free to add your own vocals, or instrumentally remix, or just take the sounds and make it your own...
quick instructions -> start the patch without audio on, load up a limiter in the last vst~ before the 'MainOut' fader(and possibly EQ and compressor in the vst~s before that... other vst~ objects elsewhere in the patch are either labelled for what kind of mastering-effect-plugin you should use, or else are for reverbs), turn down the "MainOut" volume fader near the bottom-left of the patch at first, change the 'chans' number box to something high around '128', then turn audio on(this will reset the MC based synth drums to sound phatter at 128 channels or so :D), then beyond that, keys '0' through '9' on your keyboard will trigger the volume faders for everything up/down and spacebar will change between two sections of the song:
(also, the bassline will only sound as phat as it's intended(as it does in the video above), if you use this patch at 48kHz or above... so please try this patch at 48kHz minimum(i think this has to do with somethings somewhere around the phasor~->triangle~->cos~ & cosh~ stuff... they don't generate what i tuned by ear when used at 44.1kHz for whatever reason))
If you have ended up feeling so inclined: then i humbly offer my extreme gratitude for checking out all this weirdness by me :)
This is all great Raja!
Thanks for sharing : )
Thanks, Mark! I appreciate it <3
Great work!! Thanks!!!
Much appreciated :)
i switched to doing tracks in renoise, then a few on my norns, then some others using some other methods, but now past few weeks(thanks to the 'generating sound & organizing time' book), here's a few more.
from 2weeks ago:
(^i didn't upload that track to soundcloud, but you could still listen to it from the weeklybeats profile page here: https://weeklybeats.com/rajatheresidentalien/music/cl4kz)
from last week:
i also used the book's information to do this disquiet junto:
(you can read the description for that project here: https://llllllll.co/t/disquiet-junto-project-0567-three-meters/59494/3)
and finally this week's weeklybeats, i got done early, and it is a HUGE patch of craziness... so many things(i guess i did make that one karplus-strong instrument months ago before reading the book, but the clock-subdivisions, the waveshaping, etc. all from practicing stuff in the book; managed to memorize much of the math for softclip, gudermann, onepole, and so many techniques of using em i try not to use the 'go' library without building them from scratch)... anyways, i'm pretty happy with this one in particular 👇
(^for that one, you need to turn up the 'MainOut' gain manually yourself, and then you start/stop the clock with the spacebar, from there, use the key shortcuts described to turn on/off different tracks, etc.)
and here's the take of me performing the patch for the weeklybeats submission,
titled after the names i came up with for the synth instruments i created within the patch,
"The Wet Weasel, The Lonely Dreamer, & The Sultry Mute" 😄
Thanks again, hope there's something here that fancies your float 🤓😎🥸🤗
Very bright patches, both in sound and in the assembling of patches! Thanks!
Thank You! Enjoy(i should make a VST-instr out of that 'Lonely Dreamer'(sarod-like-karplus) subpatch... but everyone's welcome to use all these patches for whatever they like, wherever you use it: though not absolutely necessary, credit is appreciated :) )