buffer~ / waveform ~ matching tempo to display downbeats

Just Evan's icon

Hi! I'm trying to make a device for visually displaying "offset markers" (see screenshot), for visually searching for weak beats / swing / shufflers...

Task #1: Make the grid comparable to the project tempo (1/16) , or something like that... I hope I explain clearly ;)

Task #2: limit the length of the buffer~ / waveform~ so that it displays only the first 2 bars of the loaded file.

Perhaps someone can give me a hint?

Thank you!

This is where I started:

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Source Audio's icon

to limit waveform~ display set display start and length.

0 / (2 bars in ms)

for example

0 5346.034215 for tempo 123.456 and time signature 11/8

for what you are trying to do,

check flucoma package.

There are several tools in there to work on buffers

Just Evan's icon

Source Audio, Thanks for the answer. But maybe I didn't formulate correctly what I was going to do. I need to manually move 4 markers evenly spaced every 1/8

Source Audio's icon

I don't know about markers and how you want to display them,

but they will at the end be just 4 numbers,

with starting one, and 3 following spaced by length that you want.