buffer~ / waveform ~ matching tempo to display downbeats
Hi! I'm trying to make a device for visually displaying "offset markers" (see screenshot), for visually searching for weak beats / swing / shufflers...
Task #1: Make the grid comparable to the project tempo (1/16) , or something like that... I hope I explain clearly ;)
Task #2: limit the length of the buffer~ / waveform~ so that it displays only the first 2 bars of the loaded file.
Perhaps someone can give me a hint?
Thank you!

This is where I started:
to limit waveform~ display set display start and length.
0 / (2 bars in ms)
for example
0 5346.034215 for tempo 123.456 and time signature 11/8
for what you are trying to do,
check flucoma package.
There are several tools in there to work on buffers
Source Audio, Thanks for the answer. But maybe I didn't formulate correctly what I was going to do. I need to manually move 4 markers evenly spaced every 1/8
I don't know about markers and how you want to display them,
but they will at the end be just 4 numbers,
with starting one, and 3 following spaced by length that you want.