can't codesign and notarise Max8.1.3 standalones

thomashummel's icon


i want to codesign and notarise a Max8.1.3 standalone. It just contains a window with a bang.
I work on Mac OS10.15.4. In the terminal, i type

codesign -s myIdentity --deep -f (and also Untitled1 Helper (GPU) a.s.o.)
The standalone starts correctly, but notarisation says
"The executable does not have the hardened runtime enabled."

Alternatively, i type
codesign -s myIdentity --deep --options runtime -f (and also Untitled1 Helper (GPU) a.s.o.)
The notarisation succeeds, but the standalone starts with plenty of errors like
mxo/Contents/MacOS/fseventwatcher) not valid for use in process using Library Validation: mapping process and mapped file (non-platform) have different Team IDs

What shall i do?
Thank you Thomas

maybites's icon

this is a tricky problem, and I solved it for my app:

maybe the instructions plus the scripts inside the repository can be helpful for you.



thomashummel's icon


unfortunately still not solved...:
I just tried the following: i codesigned every file in (more than 1.000), without --options runtime.
I additonally codesigned Resources/MaxPluginScanner and some other with --options runtime. But not Contents/MacOS/Untitled1 itself.
Now starts without error. So better. But notarisation fails only because Contents/MacOS/Untitled1 is not hardened. Now i run codesign with --options runtime on Contents/MacOS/Untitled1. Result: My immediately crashs.


Adam Verver's icon

Hi Thomas, I am having the same issue. Were you able to get this issue resolved?

Please note that I created another topic discussion (partly because the word "notarise" is misspelled in this topic's title, and partly because the issue is independent of notarization):

Please feel free to reply to either topic discussions.

Thank you.


Adam Verver's icon

The issue discussed above was resolved by Ben Bracken on that topic's page:

The bottom line is that for the runtime-hardened (a requirement for notarization) code signed standalone (generated with Max 8.3.1) to load externals and work correctly, code signing must be done while adding the entitlements option with a proper entitlements file. See that topic for more detail.

Armen Karamian's icon

Here is a crappy script I'm using to properly sign everything.


signature="Developer ID Application: John Doe (xxxxxxxxxx)"

# Sign the individual frameworks and binaries
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/MaxAudioAPIImpl.framework/Versions/A/MaxAudioAPIImpl"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/MaxLua.framework/Versions/A/MaxLua"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/JitterAPI.framework/Versions/A/JitterAPI"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/${appname} Helper (Plugin).app/Contents/MacOS/${appname} Helper (Plugin)"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/${appname} Helper (GPU).app/Contents/MacOS/${appname} Helper (GPU)"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/Chromium Embedded Framework.framework/Chromium Embedded Framework"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/MaxAudioAPI.framework/Versions/A/MaxAudioAPI"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/MaxLuaImpl.framework/Versions/A/MaxLuaImpl"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/libmozjs185_impl.dylib"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/${appname}${appname} Helper"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/${appname} Helper (Renderer).app/Contents/MacOS/${appname} Helper (Renderer)"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/libmozjs185.dylib"
codesign --force --deep --options runtime --sign "$signature" "${appname}.app/Contents/Frameworks/JitterAPIImpl.framework/Versions/A/JitterAPIImpl"

maybites's icon