Change Matrix dimension and plane count inside [jit.gen]
Jan M
11月 01 2015 | 2:37 午後
Hi genners,
I just started to get my head around [jit.gen] . Do input and output matrices always have the same dimensions and plane count, or ist it possible to to change/re-arrange a matrix.
In my case I am working on small matrices performing trigonometric calculations.
Can I transform an input matrix with one plane and the dimensions 6 x1
to a matrix with two planes and the dimensions 2x1?
The first three cells of the input matrix shall be mapped to the first cell of the output matrix (onto three planes) - and the same for the last three cells of the input matrix to the second cell of the output:
| a | b | c | d | e | f | -> plane 0
| a | d | -> plane 0
| b | e | -> plane 1
| c | f | -> plane 2
Thanks, Jan
11月 01 2015 | 6:52 午後
Jan, the left input sets the dim, planecount and data type for all inlets and outlets.
Jan M
11月 01 2015 | 7:54 午後
Thanks Metamax,
I was aware of this - but whatever i set as dimension or planecount attribute (even with adapt set to 0) the output format seems to be always the same as the input format. Is there a way to have different input and output dimensions and planecounts? I am not really a natural in matrices - maybe that's something completely of the idea of matrix calculation ....
11月 01 2015 | 7:58 午後
jit.repos should do what you're after. I don't think it's possible in jit.gen.
11月 01 2015 | 7:59 午後
Jan, my understanding is that jit.gen can have n inlets/outlets but they all have to be the same size as the left inlet. Hence, the thinking is a bit backwards. In terms of size, you need to give it what you want.. rather than giving it something else to make what you want. If that makes sense.
Jan M
11月 01 2015 | 8:06 午後
it does. And actually right now I realize that this it what is described in the help file : "...generates new Jitter Matrix Operator objects". It is for matrix operators not to transform matrices. So for transforming a matrix i'll have to stick to plain jitter objects.
Chris Vik
1月 03 2016 | 11:59 午前
Yo Jan. Bit late to the party.
You can work with different dimension matricies - BUT, the output will always maintain the same attributes of the matrix entering in [jit.gen]'s first inlet.
The great bit about this is that you don't even need to use that matrix in any calculations; you can just bang a blank matrix that matches the format you want your output to be and trigger your calculations.
Modulo [%] in combination with [/] into [int] will be your bread and butter when you're translating between matrix dimensions.
11月 05 2016 | 3:57 午後
Here is an elegant way of doing what you want :)
But there is still useless calcuations, I was expecting to find something more powerful
Jan M
11月 06 2016 | 12:55 午後
@NICOLASNUZILLARD Nice!!!! Thank you
11月 06 2016 | 2:13 午後
This technique is usefull when you want an audio signal to set the XYZ position of an array of 3d points. I had the idea by watching the patch 22.CatchNurbs in the JitterRecipes. In the exemple patch I'm mentionning I didn't like the use of messages send to a matrix object so I did it a way so you don't have to send any messages.
1月 12 2018 | 11:44 午後
you could do the same thing with "jit.coerce" (check example).
Combined with "jit.scanwrap" and "jit.dimmap" or "jit.transpose",
you can solve most matrix "conversion/re-organization" problems.
Oni Shogun
4月 25 2023 | 5:49 午後
Thank you so much for clarifying jit.coerce – I had been attempting to solve dim/plane-remapping using codebox to no avail and this opens up to super-sustainable methods.