Chen Lee attractor not working in jit

Laurin Baumann's icon


I'm trying to make the Chen-Lee attractor in jit. but it's not working. Can anyone help me? The equation is inside the second gen object.

I'm probably doing something wrong with the camera. The vec-values also seem to be very big. Idk if that's normal??

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

tiago morais morgado's icon

do you really need that specific attractor. isn't the andre sier library (chaos-lib) good enough for you? i mean you just need a data generator. why don't you use a control voltage thing with beap or with the ableton m4l lfo? you can use that inside maxmsp as well, if you modify it a little bit.. or even without modifying it

Herr Markant's icon

This thing works totally fine, your values are just off. Attractors are a very sensitive systen.

Here the patch with some presets:

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.