dynamic transition between environements in jit.gl.skyblox
I am trying to make seamless transitions in Jit.gl.skyblox.
I was interested in using jit.gl.pix to process the environement maps. in a way that allows me to make dynamic changes to the environement.
As far as I know, Jit.gl.cubemap does not allow a texture input, soooo.. I'm not sure where to go from here. let me know if you have tips!
there's a built-in shader that allows you to dynamically create cubemaps from equirectangular textures. you can process those textures prior to conversion.
Hey Rob,
thanks for the tips!
this is really what I am looking for, and now I can add two images into a and modify them.
I'm wondering if you have any thoughts to fix the image skipping when I update it in real time with my FPS bangs?
don't use fpic, load images as textures and use jit.gl.pix instead of jit.gen
works like a charm! thank you!