Gamepad's Trigger to trigger a midi note issue

Pole One's icon

Pole One

7月 25 2024 | 2:48 午後

Hey there,

I'm running through an issue with a device I'm working on.

The idea is to replicate what User Friendly Sound has done in the video linked to this post.

I've completed everything I wanted to do except the option to create a midi note with it's note-on and note-off messages with the gamepad triggers (L2 & R2). In fact, whenever I try to use them, I get a continuous note that stop only if I save the patch.

I use a simple [==0] object to identify if the trigger is == to 0 or not and from that I use a [togedge] object to differenciate bangs only on 0 on only when it pass 0, don't know if that make sense.

Here's the device with the subpatches (tell me if you don't see the subpatches)

I'm pretty sure I miss something stupid lol

GamePad MidiCapable V2.amxd

Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

7月 25 2024 | 3:10 午後

send same note off for note on

Pole One's icon

Pole One

7月 25 2024 | 9:23 午後

This was exactly what I needed !

Thanks a lot :))