Help! RSPI sound stopped working

Gonzalo's icon

Hello, help please ! Today I installed the system in the raspberry pi 4 as per the instructions. Everything was working fine, exported the rnbo.remote patch and it sounded just fine. I was using a cheap usb sound card. As I got exited I patch it through my eurorack, this is when I made an error and placed the rspi on top of my mother 32, the pi shut down and reeboted. The patch worked for a couple minutes more and then it disconnected, as I was controlling it from my phone. The rspi seems to be working fine, the usb ports light the leds from the audio card and the mouse and keyboard work. The connection from the computer to the rspi is functional, but the audio just won’t work anymore. Could some one please point me in the right direction? Thank you for your help!!

Alex Norman's icon

Does Max still see your RPI?
Does it still list your USB card in the audio configuration part of the device export?

If so, you might try changing the audio interface to something else, like hw:Dummy.. then exporting, then changing it back?

Gonzalo's icon

Hello Norman, thank you for your response!! I changed the settings in the interface and that made it work again! Thank you!!!