How can I create large-scale pixelart using [jit.scissors], please?

jamie bell's icon

Hi there,

I'm fairly new to Max/jitter and have looked for a simple solution but have not been able to find one, so far :( I am creating live visuals for a project and would love to be able to include pixel-art as part of the performance and am looking for help/advice on how this can be done, please?

I am running Max 7 on El Cap! and using [jit.scissors] to split a video into 12 rows by 16 columns, as used by most 8-bit pixel art. I would like to be able to control the colour of each [jit.scissors] video outlet to create an 8-bit pixel-image. I would also, if possible, like to have the ability to produce different pixel-art as well; e.g. have a pixel-art of Super Mario that can be changed to him jumping, and vice-versa.

Many thanks :)

metamax's icon

Another approach is to use [matrixctrl] to set pixel values in a single matrix and [suckah] to select 8-bit colors from a palette image. For the animation, you can draw each frame and save the [matrixctrl] values to recall in sequence or use other jitter tricks to shift cells etc. Here is something to get you going in that direction.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

ygreq's icon

jit.scissors is crap. Eats up your processors really fast. Avoid.

phiol's icon

Hi Jamie ,

you could cheat and simply downsample your image

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

@YGREQ : I posted a last summer. Look it up, it's quite flexible. using and multiple etc...
can get crazy results with high fps

jamie bell's icon

Thanks for all the info and advice, very much appreciated :)

@ Metamax: The patch you sent was ideal for my purpose (i.e. overlaying blocks of colour onto a video that would produce a pixel-art effect) however, I can't see how the patch is made and don't know enough about Max/Jitter (yet) and the objects to work it out. There is a problem with the patch in that when I use the [preset] object it causes the [mtrxctrl] to display a single colour throughout the matrix on recall. I imagine that this may be because the preset needs to be attached to specific objects to prevent this?

@ Ygreq; Just after I posted this I realised that using [jit.scissors] would be too much as having 192 matrices (12x16 outlets), with each having a separate patch to control colour schemes, would suck the life out the CPU.

@ Phiol: This patch is more pixellation of the image than creating pixel-art (think 8-bit console game images, like Mario). However, i like what this patch does and it taught me something new and it will definitely come in very handy, so thank you

metamax's icon

Jamie, not sure what's up with [preset], but in this case, each matrix frame can be saved as a .jxf file. Save the patch somewhere and the frames will be saved to the same folder. There's an easier way to do this with [jit.matrixset] but this should work okay. Good luck. I also attached an example .jxf file because, well.. I couldn't resist. hehe

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

metamax's icon

Whoops.. never mind. Apparently I can't attach .jxf files.

phiol's icon

something like this ?

metamax's icon

I think more like this... :P

phiol's icon

right on metamax :-)