How do I make presets for multiple params inside of RNBO?

Manuel Lopes's icon

Manuel Lopes

7月 08 2024 | 5:31 午後


I've been trying to make presets inside of RNBO instead of how it's shown in the rnbo guitar pedal package (its made with the preset object in max). I thought the best way would be to link a param that would control everything and just use a selector for every parameter. However it looks to me like a bad way to do it.

my example

To clarify I want to use this method so that I can use it in the raspberry pi, since I can alter max 8 params there.

Alex Norman's icon

Alex Norman

7月 10 2024 | 3:05 午後

RNBO presets capture the state of all your patcher parameters without any additional selector setup needed. The Raspberry PI runner allows you to save and restore more presets once you've exported there but it can also receive the presets that you create in max via snapshots like the guitar petal package.

If you know that you want to use a parameter like you've shown to create some specific baked in presets like this, you should know that you won't later be able to create new settings once you've exported to the PI runner. If you're planning to do that, I'd probably just make your param use @enum 0 1 2 3 and then your sel would become sel 0 1 2 3

An "enum" param fixes the output to specific integer steps, you can actually name the values like @enum foo bar baz blah but the output from param is still going to be 0 1 2 or 3