JIT.GL.PIX with @adapt 0 reduced the output texture dimension to 512 x 512
Hi there,
I stumbled upon a mighty issue (aka bug) where the output dimension of a texture is reduced to 512 x 512, using the @adapt 0 attribute in the patcher box of a JIT.GL.PIX.
The reason why I want to use adapt 0 : I use a second texture as a parameter for a JIT.GL.PIX patch, in this case a color - hence the dimensions of the second texture is 1x1 ... and an adaption would be a waste of memory.
The attached patcher demonstrates this - drag and drop the Shapes.png file on the dropfile object "target area" and you will notice that jit.fpsgui states "dim = 512x512", but it should be 1920x1080 (if you use the attached shapes.png file, which has this resolution - its shapes are white and the background is transparent, so don' let the "all white" preview fool you ;-) ... where 512x512 seems to be the default size for an empty texture.
Using @apdapt 0 with JIT.GEN I experienced no reduction of the matrices dimensions ... does the adapt attribute work differently in the matrix (CPU) & texture (GPU) domain?
well... it's not a bug. The @adapt 0 attribute lets jit.gl.pix ignore the input dimensions, no matter what inlet you use. So if you don't specify the @dim attribute directly in the jit.gl.pix object, it will resize every texture to 512x512.
Otherwise, if you use @adapt 1, it will adapt to the leftmost inlet resolution, but it will still resize all other textures.
If you want to set a color without using a texture, you could set a param (see patch below)
thanks for your info and the elegant solution for the "memory saving" ... using a parameter for a color instead of 1x1 texture is for sure the better solution.
And with your input I found out what fooled me ... names are just names and even if they are identical they may refer to different concepts ;-)
And for others who may stumble upon this :
In the case of jit.gl.pix, adapt is "native object" attribute : https://docs.cycling74.com/max8/refpages/jit.gl.pix#adapt.
In the case of jit.gen, adpat is (common) "MOP" attribute : https://docs.cycling74.com/max8/refpages/jit.gen#Matrix_Operator
So, techniques that worked out for matrices really have to be revisted for textures ... got it ;-).
And by the way there is also a hint in the Gen docs "In jit.gl.pix , inputs can have different sizes." - so there is no need to use a "MOP adapt alike attribute" for jit.gl.pix in the first place, if one really needs to use another texture with different dimensions than the "primary / left most" texture.
See https://docs.cycling74.com/max8/vignettes/gen_overview at the bottom of the page - in the last paragraph.