JS Chain Observer for RackDevice (DrumRack)
I'm trying to make a device that dynamically monitors changes in the chains of the drumrack device, namely whether the name of any of the 128 (0-127) chain changes.
Since I am an absolute beginner in javascriprt, I made this script using chat GPT, this is all I could get out of it after spending a couple of months. It is also likely that the script is far from ideal.
I would like the script to display the id of the chains in which changes occurred and the new name of the chain (Chain: id N, Name Changed: New Name).
Perhaps someone can help me with this?
My script:
inlets = 1;
outlets = 1; // Set one outlet for sending chain ID
var observers = [];
var previousNames = []; // Array to store previous chain names
var pathPrefix = "";
var chainsObserver;
var maxChains = 128;
// Function to create an observer for a chain
function createObserver(index) {
if (observers[index]) {
observers[index].property = "";
var observer = new LiveAPI(callback, pathPrefix + " chains " + index);
observer.property = "name";
observers[index] = observer;
previousNames[index] = ""; // Initialize previous name
// Callback function to handle name changes
function callback(args) {
var index = args[0]; // Assume the first argument is the chain index
var newName = args[1]; // Second argument is the new chain name
// Check if the name has changed
if (previousNames[index] !== newName) {
previousNames[index] = newName; // Update previous name
post("Chain ID: " + index + ", New Name: " + newName + "\n"); // Debug message
outlet(0, index); // Send chain ID through the first outlet
// Function to track changes in the chain list
function observeChains() {
if (chainsObserver) {
chainsObserver.property = "";
chainsObserver = new LiveAPI(chainsCallback, pathPrefix);
chainsObserver.property = "chains";
// Callback function to handle changes in the chain list
function chainsCallback(args) {
// Update observers only for active chains
for (var i = 0; i < maxChains; i++) {
if (i < args.length - 1) { // Check if the chain exists
// Function to set the path and create initial observers
function setPath(path) {
pathPrefix = path;
// Message to set the path
function anything() {
var args = arrayfromargs(messagename, arguments);
outlet(0, args); // Send input message through the first outlet
if (args[0] == "path") {
var path = args.slice(1).join(" ");
Note: In the inlet of the script I send a message containing the path to my drumrack, something like "path live_set tracks 0 devices 2"