L.O.M. – set_fire_button_state function not working as I expected

Mr Preskovik's icon

Mr Preskovik

6月 20 2024 | 11:53 午後

Hello everyone,

I face a problem with the “set_fire_button_state” function sent to the clip_slots nodes. According to the Max documentation, this function is expecting a bool parameter: set to 1, Live simulates pressing of Clip Launch button.

I was expecting that when set to 0 then, it would cancel the clip launch order. But nothing happens. Anyone have an idea why? Any help would be welcome (see patch attached below).

For the curious, I’m working on a M4L patch to implement that the start of a new launched clip waits for the end of the loop of the current playing clip, whatever its length. The rest of the patch works fine, but I would like to attach this feature to the normal way of launching clips in Live (that is clicking on the small arrow at the left of the concerned clip). My idea was to catch the user action of launching clip, to cancel it and to relaunch it later at the appropriate time.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

6月 22 2024 | 8:12 午前

set_fire_button_state has only one acceptable value = 1

LOM states that it would cancel fire state if pressed twice,

but I've been told that it does not work at all...

Mr Preskovik's icon

Mr Preskovik

6月 22 2024 | 11:28 午前

Thank you very much for this clarification, Source Audio.

Providing a function with a parameter that accepts only one specific value? I wonder what the developer in charge of the implementation of this part of the API had in mind…

LOM states that it would cancel fire state if pressed twice,
but I've been told that it does not work at all...

I gave it a try: it does not cancel the clip launch command, but the small arrow stops blinking and switches to another appearance.

Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

6月 22 2024 | 11:46 午前

you can call stop - that would cancel clip launch - maybe that works

Mr Preskovik's icon

Mr Preskovik

6月 22 2024 | 12:29 午後

you can call stop - that would cancel clip launch - maybe that works

I've tried “call stop”. Based on my tests, it only works if the concerned clip is already playing.

So, it doesn’t do my business here, as I precisely try to prevent a launched clip from playing before it starts.

But we gave it a try. Thanks for the tip anyway Source Audio.